10 Signs of Borderline or Mild Autism in Adults

10 Signs of Borderline or Mild Autism in Adults

Autism diagnosis is complicated by the lack of clear medical tests (such as MRI, blood sampling, and so on), and an ASD or ADHD therapist must rely on strong behavioral symptoms across the various types of the autism spectrum to confirm a positive diagnosis. Furthermore, certain symptoms of autism overlap with psychological disorders. Borderline Autism is therefore one of the most difficult developmental disorders to diagnose among autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by an ASD or ADHD therapist.

This is because to be diagnosed with borderline autism, a person must exhibit many symptoms of autism but not to a severe enough level to be classified as autistic. Borderline autism symptoms are transient, with no predictable trends; they may appear, fade away, and reappear suddenly within a few months.

Autism can be treated in all forms using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Executive functioning coaching, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by an ASD or ADHD therapist. These treatments assist people who struggle to cope with everyday interactions and social anxiety disorder in developing adaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms. Antidepressants and antipsychotics can also help control behavior not considered acceptable by traditional societal norms, such as extreme depression. A change in society’s perceptions of neuro-atypicality, in addition to behavioral modification, will go a long way toward ensuring that people with these symptoms can function in society and live normal lives if they so desire.

Is Borderline or Mild Autism an Official Medical Diagnosis?

According to some autism research, most adults diagnosed with ASD do not have the more severe forms. Asperger’s syndrome and high-functioning autism are other terms for mild autism. Mild autism is more commonly known as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than a separate diagnosis. It is due to the current diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-5) criteria, which define autism spectrum disorders as a spectrum of symptoms, severity, and frequency. Mild autism would be classified as such.

Adults diagnosed with mild autism, on the other hand, would have access to different treatment options and may be more focused on comorbid conditions than those with more severe forms of autism spectrum disorder. It is because their autism may impact their daily lives differently. Their symptoms may be completely ignored, easily concealed, or less severe. It could also explain why they were not diagnosed when they were children.

Ten Signs of Borderline or Mild Autism in Adults

  • Having difficulty making friends or preferring to be alone.

Many people with ASD avoid social interaction because they feel socially inadequate and avoid situations in which they must meet or interact with new people. For example, this can manifest as almost complete social isolation in older adults, particularly those who are widowed or have never married. This could be classified as a social anxiety disorder.


  • Following the same daily routine and becoming extremely anxious if it changes.

When faced with unexpected disruptions to routines, this frequently manifests as difficulty accepting change in one’s schedule and may manifest as extreme frustration or anger.


  • Improper eye contact.

When speaking with someone with ASD, they frequently make little eye contact. Others may interpret this as arrogant or rude behavior. Alternatively, they may make excessive eye contact and stare.


  • Having a strong interest in specific activities and subjects.

Those with ASD often have a few intense or fixated interests related to their favorite topics or activities, and they can become agitated if they cannot pursue these interests. Their pursuit of these interests is unusually intense, and they can spend hours gathering information on these topics while shutting out the world — or loved ones — around them.


  • Weird public behaviors.

Others may attribute rocking back and forth to some form of mental illness. Other symptoms, e.g., irregular mood regulation, cause random outbursts and yelling and may support the assumption of mental illness.


  • They may also struggle to understand jokes or recognize social cues.

The world is a very literal place to them. The way things are said and done is how they believe they are.


  • Selective eating habits.

These can be exacerbated if they are hypersensitive to textures, flavor, color, or smell, and they are frequently misdiagnosed as sensory processing disorder, an eating disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Many people also have strong preferences for a limited number of foods. Some people even use the same plate for every meal.


  • Difficulty expressing yourself verbally.

You may express yourself bluntly or have difficulty expressing your feelings or thoughts when struggling with ADHD or ASD. Executive functioning coaching by an ASD therapist can be beneficial in improving communication skills.


  • Habits that are repetitive or restrictive.

Adults with high-functioning autism may exhibit repetitive habits. These habits may impair a person’s ability to do what they need to do or what others expect of them. Movement may be related to one type of repetitive habit. The person may have to tie and untie their shoes several times before they are satisfied and can leave the house or start walking.


  • Difficulties controlling your emotions or behavior.

This can cause abrupt or intense mood swings and difficulty responding to emotional situations. As a result, you may experience outbursts or meltdowns in response to minor changes in routine. You may also struggle to control risky or impulsive behavior. This could imply that you frequently lash out at others and, at other times, slump into depression. Such a situation will need the intervention of an ASD therapist.

Final Takeaway

People with mild ASD are frequently skilled at masking their symptoms. They may struggle with feeling misunderstood, which can lead to serious problems, anxiety disorders, depression, and eventually cutting their loved ones off. Getting a diagnosis is a personal decision each adult must make. Some people would rather not know. Others say techniques like executive functioning coaching by an ASD therapist can deal with ASD or ADHD symptoms and improve their lives. ASD or ADHD diagnosis can aid in the person’s understanding. They can explain things to their loved ones once they understand themselves. This comprehension can bring relief to both parties and result in stronger relationships.

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